1 Psaturn  May 8, 2008 7:52:27am

Thanos, LGFers have become expert in reading news and finding ‘propaganda’ out of news article…

Have you noted some evolutionary propaganda there?

Note this sentence In the real world of science, common descent of animals is completely noncontroversial; any controversy resides in the microbial world.

It isn’t? That is news to me! The problem is..we have not yet found a proper mechanism and explanation of how it occurs! Oh, we throw few words like speciation, natural selection, gene duplication…but it has not been demonstrated in lab or in real life, the definition of what is scientific!

2 Randall Gross  May 8, 2008 8:27:08am

Noncontroversial in science means there aren’t several competing theories with a continual stream of peer-reviewed studies and papers. Controversial means there is a stream of peer-reviewed studies, tests, and papers from a competing hypothesis.
e.g. right now the Larmarckian school is taking another run, and you will find papers in support of that.

another example: global warming is controversial, there are competing peer reviewed papers in a continous stream, even though the Goreacle would have you believe otherwise.

Please read the journals, not the press - Science reportage in this country is a joke, all the way around regardless of which side of the issues you are on.

3 claire  May 8, 2008 8:32:30am

re: #1 Psaturn

we have not yet found a proper mechanism and explanation of how it occurs!

Who’s the “we” here to which you are referring? The “we” I’m familiar with most definitely has.

4 FoolsMate  May 8, 2008 9:24:12am

This taxpayer funded government school thing is really starting to bite us in the ass.

5 Psaturn  May 8, 2008 10:51:47am

re: #3 claire

It has? Oh…I must have missed it in my scientific studies!

6 Claire  May 8, 2008 9:42:33pm

re: #5 Psaturn

Yes, apparently.

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